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Exam Results

Coombe Sixth Form celebrates 2024's strong progress & highest grades in five years as students embark on exciting & varied next steps

We are delighted to announce Year 13’s strong progress across their exam results, with students securing our highest grades in standard external exams, surpassing our 2019 results, and with a quarter of grades awarded at A/A* in A-Levels and BTECs. We congratulate the class of 2024 on their success and accomplishments. 

Across the curriculum, subjects surpassed our Sixth Form’s pre-pandemic results and standards, providing a robust springboard for students’ next steps.  

We are also pleased that students have chosen to study a wide variety of courses, with many selecting subjects that support their interests and passions - for example, Interior Design and Comic and Concept Art - as well as others embarking on STEM courses, such as Medicine, Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering.

Ms Emily Barns, Headteacher of Coombe Girls’ School & Sixth Form, said: “I am incredibly proud of this cohort and the high grades they have deservedly achieved. Their success has been attained in no small part through their resilience and determination. Particular congratulations to those who have achieved their results whilst overcoming some personal challenges. The students’ dedication to enhancing and supporting our school community - for example, establishing and running our brilliant Culture Day events and their involvement in PFA projects - will leave a lasting impression on our school and staff. I would also like to thank our teachers for providing such a rich and rewarding programme, including trips, guest speakers, work experience and extensive careers classes, alongside great subject knowledge and creating the very best foundations for Year 13.”

Headteacher of Coombe Boys’ School & Sixth Form, Mr David Smith, added: “It has been wonderful to be able to celebrate the many successes that our students have achieved. The variety of educational pathways has enabled students to study in a manner that has best suited their individual needs and has provided the opportunity for students to realise their true potential. We are all very proud of what they have become and know that they now have the foundations to embark on a lifetime of learning, discovery and accomplishment. We wish them all the very best for the future.”

Head of Coombe Sixth Form (Clarence Avenue Campus), Mrs Rebecca Gates, commented: “We're very proud of our students, what they have achieved and the progress that they have made this year. This year’s cohort were such a fantastic community of tenacious, resilient, thoughtful and kind students who have left a lasting impact on the school and the staff who have worked with them. We are excited for the range of courses they are going to study and look forward to welcoming them back to tell us about their future careers.”

Mr Giles Jameson, Head of Coombe Sixth Form (College Garden Campus), who leads on vocational subjects, said: “We are delighted to announce that a record 60% of vocational students achieved a Distinction*/Distinction grades this year; a results trend that has been improving year on year over the last four years. These excellent results are a testament to the dedication, hard work of our students and their ability to take advantage of all opportunities available to them.  We are very proud that these results have acted as a springboard in enabling our students to secure their first choice higher education course, including Russell Group Universities as well as highly competitive degree apprenticeship schemes.”  

Coombe Sixth Form is pleased that students have once more demonstrated great resilience and we continue to focus on providing the essential role of supporting our young people to build foundations for successful futures. We look very forward to keeping in contact through the Coombe Alumni and hearing their news as they embark on their next learning chapters.

Here are the destinations and courses just some of our celebrating students will be starting from September:

BTEC Students: University

  • Hyunwoo will go to King’s College London to study Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences.

  • Ben will go to Kingston College to study Biochemistry.

  • Ruhab will go to University College London to study Early Childhood Education.

  • Robert will go to Nottingham Trent University to study Film Technology

  • Megha will go to the University of Brighton to study Midwifery

  • Enzo will go to Kingston University to study Environmental Science

  • Gabriel will go Surrey University to study Accounting and Finance

  • Keir will go to Bournemouth University to study Law

BTEC Students: Apprenticeships

  • Jakob has successfully secured his place on a Kwik Fit Apprenticeship Scheme.

  • Kassian has successfully secured his place on the Honda Apprenticeship Scheme.

A Level Students:

  • Lauren will go to Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge to read Natural Sciences

  • Iman will attend King's to study Medicine 

  • Yas will go to King’s to study Neuroscience   

  • Elenor will study Comic and Concept art at the University of Creative Arts 

  • Emily will go to Cardiff University to study Medicine

  • Jade will study Interior Design at Plymouth University 

  • Emily will study biomedical engineering at Sheffield University 

  • Aidan will read Computer Science at Leeds University

  • Sophia will study Economics and Finance at University of Exeter

  • Matilda will study Medicine at Plymouth

Results 2023

Photo of some of our students holding their results documents

Click here for BTEC Level 3 Results

Click here for A Level results 2023

On results day, Coombe Sixth Form opens its doors to A Level & BTEC students and celebrates success & next steps

This morning, we were delighted to welcome our Year 13 students into school and, as the first year to sit exams assessed to pre-pandemic standards, we are hugely proud of the cohort’s performance. 

Ms Emily Barns, Headteacher of Coombe Girls’ School & Sixth Form, commented: “Our 2023 Sixth Form students, facing their first set of exams since Year 6 SATS, have experienced a challenging two years, alongside all their Year 13 peers across the country. We are immensely proud of all their achievements.” 

Headteacher of Coombe Boys’ School & Sixth Form, Mr David Smith, added:

“The progress this cohort have made as individuals and the dedication they have given to their studies is commendable.

We celebrate their seven-year learning journey today, and wish them success as they embark on their new ventures in the wider world of opportunity.”

Head of Coombe Sixth Form, Mr Rob Smith, said: “We are heartened by the wide variety and range of pathways our students will now be taking. It’s fantastic to see so many of our young people securing first choice university places to continue their studies, and we are also delighted that some students have opted for alternative destinations and routes to progress, such as Veterinary Nursing at Royal Veterinary College, Japanese at SOAS and Television Production at Bournemouth. The ongoing support and dedication of our staff, students and their families has once again been exceptional. We congratulate all our students on their achievements and wish them the very best for the future.”

Mr Giles Jameson, Assistant Head in charge of Coombe Sixth Form vocational subjects commented, “We are particularly delighted with our Level 3 BTEC vocational results where 59% of students achieved top distinction* or distinction grades in their course, and an overall 98% pass rate.  These excellent results have enabled many students to secure their first choice higher education course including Russell Group universities and the Royal Veterinary College.  We are also pleased to see a number of students successfully gaining places on highly competitive degree apprenticeship schemes.”

Here is a snapshot of destinations and next steps just some of our celebrating students will be embarking on from September:

BTEC Students:

One student is going to Royal Veterinary College to study Veterinary Nursing

One student is going to Lancaster University to study Business Management

One student is going to King's College London to study Pharmacy

One student is going to study Loughborough University to study Chemistry

One student is going to University of Surrey to study Business Analytics

One student is starting an engineering degree apprenticeship 

A Level Students:

One student will attend University of Oxford to study Earth Sciences

One student is heading to Bournemouth University to study Television Production

One student will go to University of Glasgow to study Medicine

One student will attend Bristol University to study Maths

One student will go to King’s College London to study Physiotherapy

One student is heading to Loughborough University to study Economics

One student is going to SOAS to study Japanese

One student will attend The City University to study Law

One student is going to University of Warwick to study English & History

Incoming Head of Coombe Sixth Form, Ms Rebecca Gates added, “We are especially proud of our Coombe students who have experienced a testing two years but faced these challenges head on. With exam standards and assessments returning to pre-pandemic standards this year, we are so pleased to see that their resilience shone through. We will continue to focus on playing the essential role of supporting our young people to build foundations for their future success’.”

We very much look forward to keeping in contact through the Coombe Alumni and hearing the future progress of all our Year 13s. 

Results 2022

Coombe Sixth Form students celebrate their achievements

Our 2022 Sixth Form students have faced a unique and challenging two years and we are incredibly proud of their resilience, adaptability and dedication to their studies. Today for many of our students we celebrate the culmination of their seven year journey as Coombe learners. They have remained hard working, committed and kind and we wish them all success as they take their next steps into the wider world of opportunity. 

This is the first year that students have taken summer exams since 2019.  It is therefore  fantastic to see so many of our young people securing first choice university places to continue their studies. We were pleased to be able to speak with many this morning whose success on A Level and BTEC Level 3 pathways has pathed the way for their next steps.

Just some of the students celebrating this morning amongst many include:

  • Two students off to read Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Warwick University

  • One to study of Geography at Oxford University

  • One to study Dentistry at King’s College London

  • One to study Engineering at Bristol University

  • One reading Classics at Oxford University

  • One studying English Literature at Bristol University

  • One reading Law at Kingston University

  • One studying Graphic Design at UCA

  • One studying Physics at Imperial College London

  • One studying History and Politics at Leeds University


The ongoing support and dedication of our staff, students and their families has been exceptional and we congratulate all our students on their achievements and wish them the very best for the future.  

Director of Coombe Sixth Form, Mr Robert Smith, commented:

"We are immensely proud of all our Coombe students and it is incredibly pleasing to see their dedication, resilience and talent rewarded today. We are thrilled to have played a supporting role in building the foundations to enable their future success.”

As our Year 13 students take their next steps we look forward to keeping in contact with them through the Coombe Alumni and hearing of their further successes. 

Results 2021


Congratulations and Good Luck!

Today represents the pinnacle of two years of hard work, determination and commitment from our Sixth Form students as they celebrate their exam results. They have persevered with their studies through pandemic disruption and demonstrated resilience in the face of adversity. 

Their achievements are well deserved and every student should be proud of their accomplishments as they embark on the next chapter of their life. The ongoing support and dedication of our staff, students and their families has been exceptional.

Director of Coombe Sixth Form, Mr Robert Smith, commented,

"The comradery I have witnessed amongst our Sixth Form students has been truly heart-warming. During their time here, each student has exemplified the spirit and ethos of our Sixth Form.

The staff at Coombe are extremely proud of their results. They have earned them. We would like to wish them the very best for the future.”

As our Year 13 students take their next steps we look forward to keeping in contact with them through the Coombe Alumni and hearing of their further successes. 

Some of our 2020/21 students' destinations

  • 90% are off to a university or Art College.
  • 95% of Bursary students are off to university or Art College.
  • 4 students are off to study Medicine.
  • 1 student is off to Oxford to study Politics, Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE).
  • 1 student  is off to Cambridge to study Philosophy.

Results 2019

    Coombe Sixth Form BTEC Level 3 results 2029

Level 3 BTEC results 2019 - email school for downloadable information


A level 2019 - email school for downloadable information




