Year 12 Work Experience

Year 12 Work Experience Week (WEX Week) - 14-18 July 2025

Full guide for parents/students with links to all resources

A work experience placement provides young people with the opportunity to develop soft skills, gain commercial awareness, learn about workplace culture and gain insight into careers so your support with this would be really appreciated.

Last year in 2024, nearly 80% of Coombe Year 12 students secured in-person work experience which was an amazing result. Students did this by making a determined effort in sending out professional CVs and covering letters to multiple employers, which led to them securing a huge range of great placements.

Please note, students are responsible for finding their own WEX placement. We support by providing students with advice on CVs & covering letters, scripts for phone conversations  and a list of 200+ potential employer contacts, along with other resources. Students should network with their family/friends to see if they have any contacts  who can help.  

For a work experience placement to be authorised, the three Google Forms below must be completed (by the student, by the parent/carer and by the employer with details of their Employer Liability Insurance).

Student Form

Parent/Carer Form

Employer Form