We believe that good careers guidance is essential for our young people.
We work in partnership with local employers and other education and training providers to ensure that our provision provides our students with direct and motivating information about the world of work to inform decisions about future education and training options.
Year 12 Parents' Information UCAS & Futures Planning
Have you booked a University of London Taster Day?
UCL, LSE, KCL, Royal Holloway, Imperial, Queen Mary and City University offer free taster days for a huge range of subjects. There are still places available so book now!
For more information simply click on the button.
They generally take place between April and July - this is the time to plan your visits. Opendays.com provides an updated calendar listing of all university open days in the UK - or go directly to University websites and register.
UCAS is the central system through which all student applications are made to UK universities.
The UCAS website will provide you with all the information you need on applications, personal statements, universities and student finance.
The personal statement is an important part of a student’s university application, as it is the only section where students have the opportunity to describe to university admissions tutors why they would be a good candidate for their chosen degree course. Students can demonstrate their interest in the subject, that they have read independently, completed related work experience and how they have been a positive part of sixth form life.
At Coombe, we work hard to support students in writing their personal statements, with ongoing, expert advice and guidance from the Sixth Form Team. However, ultimately, the personal statement is the student’s responsibility and they need to be proactive so they can clearly show in their personal statement that they have a genuine interest in their chosen course. If applying for medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or Oxford or Cambridge, applications must be discussed with the Sixth Form team by the summer term at the latest and a full draft personal statement must be submitted to the team by July of Year 12.
The UCAS reference is the school’s opportunity to ‘sell’ the student to their chosen universities. At Coombe we aim to be as positive and constructive as possible and we will work with students to ensure that we have all information to hand that could support their application. The references are written by the students' tutors and include information provided by their subject teachers.
Students’ predicted grades are another important part of their application. As a school, we encourage all staff to adopt a positive and optimistic approach to agreeing grade predictions that takes into account a students’ potential development during the final year of their course.
Please note that whilst we are happy to discuss any aspect of a student’s application during the process, we are unable to keep parents informed about the detail of every application on an on-going basis. We advise, therefore, that parents discuss their son or daughter’s application status with them on a regular basis.
It is also important to note that UCAS regard applications as confidential between themselves and students and will not usually discuss them with parents unless they have been nominated as point of contact.
Please note that whilst we are happy to discuss any aspect of a student’s application during the process, we are unable to keep parents informed about the detail of every application on an on-going basis. We advise, therefore, that parents discuss their son or daughter’s application status with them on a regular basis.
It is also important to note that UCAS regard applications as confidential between themselves and students and will not usually discuss them with parents unless they have been nominated as point of contact.
Students’ choices of courses and universities will be influenced by an enormous range of factors and we will offer support and guidance at each stage of the process during Year 12 and 13. We keep a selection of UK university prospectuses in the sixth form study room, but the most up-to-date information on entry requirements and course content will be available via the university’s individual website.
We recommend that students visit a range of university open days in the summer term of Year 12 as part of making an informed decision. Most universities now offer Saturday open days.
The remainder of the summer term and the early stages of the autumn term are devoted to working with students in a wide range of ways. The most significant of these is the Coombe ‘Futures Planning’ module. This programme requires students to think through a number of possible future ‘pathways’, investigating the implications, costs and career opportunities in each case. These activities will be developed through our summer ‘Futures Planning’ Day, Active Tutorial sessions and tutor meetings, assembly presentations and so on. At all stages, the tutors and the Head of Year will be working closely with the students.
Student Finance arrangements are subject to change and while we try to keep up-to-date with developments, it is the responsibility of students and parents to research thoroughly.
The application window for student finance applications is usually from February to May of Year 13.
The most up-to-date information about Student Finance (tuition fees loan and maintenance loans) for higher education can be found at https://www.gov.uk/student-finance
A useful section is the Student Finance calculator which can give an indication of what finance is possible for individual students based on household income:
The 16-19 Bursary Fund is a scheme set up by the government to help the most vulnerable young people aged 16-19 continue in full time education. Its purpose is to provide financial support to help students overcome specific financial barriers to participation, so that they can remain in education.
The Bursary can help by purchasing course textbooks and equipment, as well as covering costs of subject specific trips which are a necessary part of the study course. In exceptional circumstances, the Bursary can also help with university open day costs and entrance exam fees.
To apply for the Bursary, please complete an application form, linked below, and carefully read the policy guidance that accompanies, it to ensure that the required evidence is also submitted. Students should submit completed application forms and original evidence to their Head of Year.
For more information, please view our 16-19 Bursary Fund page on our website or contact the Head of Year 12 on [email protected].
How the UCAS process works at Coombe
Students decide on their degree course/s and preferred universities (end of Year 12/start of Year 13).
They complete an online UCAS application, including their ‘Personal Statement’ (autumn term, Year 13).
The school completes the application by completing a reference which includes the student’s predicted grades and submits the form electronically to UCAS (autumn term, Year 13).
Universities then make conditional offers of places to students, usually from November onwards of Year 13.
Key dates in the UCAS process
Coombe deadlines for university applications are in advance of the official UCAS deadlines. This is to allow the Sixth Form team to check applications thoroughly, complete the student’s reference and predicted grades and to ensure that each application is of the highest standard.
Please note that whilst we will still process applications received after these deadlines, we cannot guarantee to submit them by the UCAS final deadline.
Our Future Planning Calendar below contains all the deadlines and details you need to know for the UCAS process.
A Russell Group guide to making decisions about post-16 education